Original Manuals
United States., Navy Dept. (1851). Regulations, circulars, orders and decisions for the guide of officers of the Navy of the United States; continued in part and issued since the publication authorized by the Navy Department in March, 1832. Washington D.C.: Alexander, printer.
United States., Navy Dept. (1860, 1866). Ordnance instructions for the United States Navy. Washington D.C.
This is a full text comparison of the 1860 and 1866 Navy Ordnance manual. This is useful for tracing changes in policy and procedure during the course of the Civil War Thanks to the team at the Gutenberg Project for digitilizing the ’66.
Original Memoirs
Critchell, R. S. (1909). Recollections of a fire insurance man, including his experience in U.S. Navy (Mississippi squadron) during the Civil War, (pp. 20-44). [Chicago]: The author.
Other Print Sources
A Selected List of Works in the (NY) Library Relating to Naval History, Naval Administration, etc. (1904) A Naval bibliography held by the NYC Public Library at the turn of the 20th Century – see section on US Navy p. 71
Barrett, E. (1863). Naval howitzer: Instructions condensed for the volunteer officers of the U.S. Navy. New York: Printed for the author.
The gunnery officer at the New York Naval Yard prepared this text for students attending his classes preparatory to their assignment to the rapidly expanding navy. It condenses several other official and supplementary texts into a small handbook of operations.
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