Duty Aboard a Real Civil War Era Ship

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  JohnN 12 years ago.

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    Federal Impressions are welcomed aboard the USS Constellation the last weekend of each month, March – October.  As a guest of Ship’s Company (the living history group aboard ship) you will live aboard and participate in:

    working a 8inch Shell Gun and 20 pound Parrot
    practice your hand at essential ship board skills
    various living history activities with various divisions of the ship
    mess on the square

    It can not be stressed enough how serving aboard will alter your perceptions of the Civil War Navy.  90 percent of what the Navy did was aboard a ship.  In reenacting, we have concentrated only on the 10 percent when they served ashore.  Whether for a single guest “cruise” or returning to become a supporting member of the crew when you can, you are encouraged to join us aboard the USS Constellation.

    Ship’s Company

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